Case study

Retention Evaluation

Client Challenges

A contact centre was experiencing recruitment difficulties combined with high turnover rates, impacting its ability to handle call volumes.

impacting its ability to handle call volumes.

Implemented Solutions

Promethee conducted an audit of absenteeism, turnover rates, and engagement KPIs, as well as reviewed the results of employee engagement surveys. We also conducted an observational analysis of the onboarding and training stages, similar to a “Mystery Employee” approach, to gain in-depth insights into new employees’ experiences.


This process identified opportunities to improve recruitment, refine the desired profiles, improve the first days of onboarding and training, and increase support for new employees.

Group meetings helped identify opportunities to increase the engagement levels of existing employees. Improving the schedules and conditions for part-time employees and students led to increased engagement levels in OfficeVibe and a higher level of candidate referrals for vacant positions.

By Guillaume Delroeux

Guillaume is the President and leader of customer experience practices at Promethee Consultants, helping organizations with contact centres make the most of their technologies to maximize their impact and create legendary customer experiences.