Case study

Preparing for a Customer Experience Transformation

The client’s challenges

Déterminée à améliorer l’expérience de ses citoyens, une organisation du secteur public souhaitait réaliser un état des lieux de l’expérience client et identifier les principales forces et opportunités. 
Determined to improve the experience of its citizens, an organization in the public sector wanted to assess the customer experience and identify the main strengths and opportunities.

The solutions put in place

Prométhée completed a 360-degree audit of the customer experience, bringing together data from citizen surveys, complaints, and quality of service data (calls, emails, requests), as well as the findings of qualitative studies, carried out in the past on the expectations and needs of citizens.

The results

The analysis of this data revealed opportunities that had not yet been considered to improve the citizen experience. They were able to be implemented quickly by focusing on a well-identified citizen path.

In parallel, a multidisciplinary team carried out an in-depth diagnosis of the maturity of the organization with respect to the main skills in “customer experience.”

By doing so, the organization has allowed itself to improve its short-term results while developing an ambitious medium to long-term strategic plan to become a ‘citizen-centered organization.”

By Guillaume Delroeux

Guillaume is President and Leader in Customer Experience Practice at Promethée Consultants and helps organizations with Customer Relationship Centres make the most of their technologies to maximize their impact and create legendary customer experiences.