
Beyond the Myths of AI: Orchestrating Collaboration

It is common to hear reassuring echoes about the future of artificial intelligence (AI): “AI cannot overshadow humans”, “Some feats will remain beyond the reach of machines”.

These statements provide a certain comfort, but they often stem from a somewhat naive romanticism.They evoke an idealized vision where humans and machines naturally evolve and coexist harmoniously side by side, each in their preferred domain.

The Reality of AI

This romanticism, charming as it may be, can be deceptive. It lulls us into a false sense of security, leaving us to believe that the meteoric rise of AI does not threaten us.

The reality is more nuanced.

In 1965, Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, predicted that the power of microprocessors would double every two years, a prediction that has proven to be particularly accurate!

In 2005, another technology visionary, Ray Kurzweil, put forth his theory of “Singularity”: he foresaw a dizzying rise of AI and suggested that at some point, AI would surpass human intelligence.

In March 2023, hundreds of prominent figures in the technology world acknowledged in an open letter the profound risks posed by AI to our society and humanity. They called for a temporary halt in the development of any artificial intelligence system more powerful than ChatGPT4.1.

Technological evolution is accelerating, and for current leaders, ignoring this reality would be imprudent because these innovations will undoubtedly disrupt the professional and social landscape.

The Era of Coexistence: Humans and AI

Many professions will face profound changes.

Visualize a doctor leveraging AI: using it to make diagnoses of unparalleled precision, analyzing vast medical databases in an instant. Once optimized, this technology could both amplify its power and drastically minimize errors.

Think of lawyers and notaries: with AI at their service, they could sift through thousands of documents in an instant, streamlining legal research and file preparation.

Now, consider how AI could revolutionize your own profession, enhancing your analytical and synthesis abilities!

In the 20th century, mechanization and automation of factories concerned more manual labor and blue-collar professions. Today, artificial intelligence is transforming white-collar work, and most professional occupations are potentially affected.

In this context, what does collaboration between humans and machines look like? What roles do each play? How can humans still set themselves apart?

Emotional Intelligence: A Human Ability

In our perspective, what distinguishes us is what humans uniquely possess: emotional intelligence. Skills such as empathy, emotional comprehension, collaboration, and communication distinctly set us apart from machines, while also representing a decisive advantage in the business world.

There is a great irony in this realization because the very relational skills that differentiate us from AI are those undervalued in today’s society, overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of technical knowledge.

Our institutions, in search of tangible results, prioritize the accumulation of knowledge over the development of empathy, communication, and collaboration.

In the professional world, diplomas and technical skills are still overvalued compared to the ability to create relationships with coworkers. The great irony is that the skills we currently value are those where machines excel and might soon surpass humans!

Yves St Arnaud’s Approach: A Light in the AI Era

Behind this realization lies a real challenge.

Because, essential as they are, relational skills remain remarkably difficult to quantify. While technical skills can be measured by standardized tests, empathy, communication, or listening resist objective evaluation.

The solution to this challenge is offered to us by a prominent Quebec researcher: Yves St Arnaud.

His model, described in his work “Professional Interaction” and based on years of humanities research, offers a rigorous methodological framework for developing interpersonal skills. Thanks to him, we can now learn to establish better professional relationships with colleagues, bosses, clients, and partners.

His model goes beyond the application of tactics or learned best practices that artificial intelligence already knows how to do! It allows us to learn to be more intentional in our dialogues, to become more aware of our impact on those around us, and to adjust our actions to be more effective.

It’s similar to learning how to dance: you can know the steps, but that’s not enough. Yves St Arnaud’s model gives us the tools to adapt our steps to our partner, the music, and our own intentions.


AI is increasingly taking up space in our world, and this should only accelerate. Instead of ignoring this movement or fearing it, we are called to consider the horizons it opens.

The rise of artificial intelligence gives us the opportunity to focus on what contributes to our difference and humanity: our relational skills. There is much to be gained from such evolution: more intentionality, more awareness, and more efficiency in our relationships.

But there is more.

By adopting a creative posture – envisioning possibilities – rather than a reactive one, we fully embrace another of our human qualities: creativity.

By Guillaume Delroeux

Guillaume is President and Practice Leader in Customer Experience at Promethee consultants and helps organizations with contact centers make the most of their technologies to maximize their impact and create legendary customer experiences.


Open letter signed by 330,711 people dated September 23, 2023

Perhaps one day robots will master these skills, but for now, they still distinctly set us apart.

See Yves St-Arnaud’s book “Professional Interaction.”